Last week I received an email advising me that I had been voted the best hypnotherapist Sunshine Coast by Quality Business Awards 2023. That’s quite an honour! Not long ago, I was also voted in the top 3 best hypnotherapists on the Coast for 2022 and 2023 by Three Best Rated, another independent body.

I am blown away by this recognition, especially as I consider myself a quiet operator. My industry is very competitive and I know that there are many things I could do to promote myself better, but for the time being, this is it. A short blog post. The criteria for this award is broad and winners need to score at least 95% satisfaction across the board. At the time of writing, less than 1% of businesses in Australia have won a Quality Business Award.

So, what does being the best hypnotherapist Sunshine Coast mean, exactly?

The business must have outstanding customer reviews and reputation from more than 3 different platforms. Businesses that respond to customers questions and concerns with continued regularity will also be highly viewed upon. Businesses with exceptional records spanning over multiple years with zero to very low amount of complaints will score highly. Businesses that conduct their day to day efforts with the highest integrity and have shown a continuous trend of giving back to their local community and reducing their carbon footprint will be rewarded with a Quality Business Award. Each year we start the process from scratch and re-evaluate each business in Australia.

Quality Business Awards

I am not certain as to who nominated me, but thank you! I must have done alright.

For me, best hypnotherapist Sunshine Coast is all about authenticity – this work is a natural fit for me. In the past I have worked in communications, marketing, and academia. Most of the organisations I worked for were large – government, hospitals, universities. While I learnt a lot in these places, they really did not suit me due to their politics. I am essentially a creative person with strong intuition and need a role where I can use my skills along with my senses to find solutions to psychologically based problems.

Working with people one on one in a healing capacity is where I am best suited. I am grateful to have been recognised for doing something that I love. If you need assistance with beating anxiety, overcoming reactive depression, quitting problem habits, releasing trauma, overcoming grief, healing from difficult relationships or any other psychologically based issue, we can help. Horizons Clinical Hypnotherapy Sunshine Coast